- Final Project for LLM Zoomcamp Course, started in August 24
- RAG Chatbot using a knowledge base and LLMs to answer user queries
Car Price Prediction Webservice
- Final Project for MLOps Zoomcamp, started in May 24
- Model development, deployment & monitoring
- Cloud Hosting
Kaggle Competitions
Predicting Amazon review ratings from their text content
- Lasso and Ridge regression
- Principal Components and Partial Least Squares regression
- Support Vector Machines
- Random Forests, Boosting Regression and Classification trees (CART)
Emotion recognition on images using bag of features
- Multinomial Regression with Lasso and Ridge Regularisation
- Random Forest
Personality Prediction of YouTube vloggers using linear Regression
- Linear Regression
Data Analysis / Prediction Notebooks
Inference & prediction of wal mart time series sales data
- Bayesian Applied Regression Modeling via Stan
Titanic Dataset - Explorative & predictive analysis
- Feature engineering / data visualization
- Logistic Regression
- RF